• The modem occasionally transmits an error burst
The telephone line may be noisy or bad. Hang up the
call and try calling again for a better telephone line.
If there other telephones on the same line that your
modem is using, then someone may have picked up a
telephone on that extension.
Your telephone line may have the call waiting feature
• The modem gets errors in transmitted data ran-
Try to use V.42 or MNP1-4 when possible. Also, try
connecting at a slower baud rate.
• After you download a file, it was not stored on your
disk drive
If both modems are using MNP or V.42 protocol, then
the flow control may not be setup. Configure your soft-
ware to use RTS/CTS flow control. That will cause your
computer to pause long enough for the file to be stored
to disk.
• The text on the screen is not legible
Your software settings may not match the settings on the
remote modem's software. Make sure your data bits,
stop bits, and parity settings match the settings that the
other computer is using. The two most common settings
are: 8 data bits, NO parity, and 1 stop bit (8,N,1) or 7
data bits, EVEN parity, and 1 stop bit (7,E,1).
Also, if the telephone line is very noisy, then you may
be seeing corrupted data on your screen.