Sleep Mode
The 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card normally requires a
very low 5V/640mW of power to operate. When the PC
Card hasn’t been used for ten minutes, it automatically
puts itself into a super low 80mW sleep mode to help
preserve your computer’s battery life.
Hayes Compatibility
The PC Card is ready to run with all software and hard-
ware that supports the Hayes Extended AT command
set. Hayes commands are a common, industry-wide set
of commands that allow the faxmodem to be controlled
by any software that is also Hayes-compatible. Since
most modem software makes use of Hayes commands,
the PC Card should work with virtually any communi-
cations software for Windows, Windows for
Workgroups, Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0.
Hayes commands are based around AT, or attention,
commands. AT commands always start with the letters
AT, followed by the desired number, letter, or symbol
that makes up the command.
You probably won't need to use AT commands very
often, except when setting up the 10/100 + 56K Modem
PC Card’s init string (more on this later). Your commu-
nications software will use AT commands automatically
for you in most instances. When you want to dial a
number, for example, you'll probably click on a button
in your software that says "dial." The software will
prompt you for the number, then issue the AT com-
mands necessary to initialize the modem, pick up the
phone line, and dial.
If you want to enter AT commands in order to control
the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card manually, most
Using the Card