The interrupt that the modem is using may be the same
interrupt that another card is using. Change the MIR
settings to a different, unused, interrupt value. Even if
you are not using a serial port which is set to the same
interrupt as the modem, it can still interfere with the
Control, Dialing, and Answering Problems
• Modem doesn’t connect at 56Kbps.
The attainment of 56Kbps speeds relies upon optimum
line integrity and a host that supports 56Kbps connec-
tions. Line noise and other factors may result in slower
data transfer speeds. Your phone line may be too noisy
to obtain 56K, the host you’re dialing may not support
56K, or your host may not support the V.90 56Kbps
• The computer doesn’t seem to recognize the 10/100
+ 56K Modem PC Card, and/or it doesn’t respond
to AT commands
Make sure that you are using a card and socket service,
or that you have some way of initializing the card. If
your PC has resume mode, try turning it off. If you
don’t get a response after an AT command, be sure that
command echo and messaging are both turned on.
Make sure that you’re using the correct interrupt and
COM port settings, and that your communications soft-
ware is using the correct driver for the PC Card. Check
the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card for damage. If
you’re using Windows 3.0, try changing the
COMnbase= line in your SYSTEM.INI to COMnbase=-
1 (where n is the COM port of the modem). If using
Wordperfect for Windows, try disabling the FAXMAN
line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.