Setting Up Your
Communications Software
Before you begin using the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
Card, you should configure your communications soft-
ware. Depending on the software you’re using, you may
need to:
• Pick the type of modem you're using from the soft-
ware's list of available modem types
• Enter the 56K LANmodem's Hayes AT init string
• Set your software's IRQ and COM values
• Select your bit, parity, and stop bit values
• Choose a download protocol
All of these topics are described in detail on the pages
that follow.
Before continuing, start up your data or fax
communications software now. There should be some
kind of Options, Preferences, or Setup area in the soft-
ware where you can configure how the software will
If you're not sure where this area is, see the software's
Help file or take a look at the user guide that came with
If you don't have communications software yet, but you
are using Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows
95, 98 or NT, you can use the Microsoft Windows com-
munications software that came with your operating
system. If you want to use Microsoft's built-in software,
skip to page 59, "Testing the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
Card," then return to this section.
Comm Software