will recognize a PC Card as soon as it is plugged in,
and may even assign COM and IRQ values to it auto-
matically. If a card is successfully initialized, most pack-
ages will provide you with an icon, a pop-up message, a
positive audible tone, or some other indication that the
card is ready for use.
If your computer has PCMCIA services that are not list-
ed above, you can try to get them to work with the
10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card. Consult your services'
documentation to find out how to get your computer to
recognize a new PCMCIA card. You will need to tell the
services which IRQ and I/O settings the 10/100 + 56K
Modem PC Card should use. See page 7 for more infor-
mation on IRQ and I/O settings.
If your computer doesn't have services (or you don't
know what kind are installed), you may be able to use
the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC Card’s generic services,
which are included on the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
Card’s disk. The generic services must be run each time
your computer is booted in order to prepare the PC
Card for use, and always before your PC's network driv-
ers are loaded into memory. If you want to use the
generic services, turn to page 11.
If your computer doesn't have services, and the generic
services contained on the 10/100 + 56K Modem PC
Card’s disk don't seem to work with your PC, contact
your computer's manufacturer to find out (1) what kind
of services your computer uses, or (2) how to get com-
patible services if your computer doesn't have them.