Set to one sends an inverted CHG_ON (internal register, set to 1 when either CHG_STATE_0 or CHG_STATE_1 is set
to 1) status signal out to the GPIO1 pin. If this bit is set, the value of CHG_ON overrides the value of the GPIO_1_
OUT bit state. Pin must be output enabled with GPIO_1_EN bit (default = set to zero/off)
Set to one sends an inverted BKUP_FLT status signal out to the GPIO2 pin. If this bit is set, the value of BKUP_FLT
overrides the value of the GPIO_2_OUT bit state. Pin must be output enabled with GPIO_2_EN bit (default = set to
Set to one sends an inverted CAL_COMPLETE signal out to the GPIO3 pin. If this bit is set, the value of CAL_
COMPLETE overrides the value of the GPIO_3_OUT bit state. Pin must be output enabled with GPIO_3_EN bit
(default = set to zero/off)
Set to one resets all faults and timers in charge and forces the ChargingCurrent() and ChargingVoltage() to zero
values. Clears Alarm_Warning() register. Does not affect BBuControl() register. Bit clears to zero automatically after
the command is executed (default = cleared to zero-no reset)
Resets LTC4110 to power-on default values. Setting the bit to a one will activate POR_RESET. POR_RESET performs
a total chip wide reset like the SHDN pin function without the chip actually shutting down. This includes clearing any
bits in registers. The bit clears itself automatically after the command is executed (default = cleared/no reset)
Resets the BKUP_FLT bit. The bit clears itself automatically after the command is executed (default = cleared).
Disables charging of battery. Set to one halts charge current while holding the charger state and pausing all battery
charge timers without changing the ChargingCurrent() and ChargingVoltage() values. Charge may be enabled by
clearing this bit. This bit is automatically cleared when power is reapplied or when a battery is re-inserted (default =
cleared to zero-off)