(Continued from previous page)
Available output modes:
1 - RF
2 - IP
Enter number of new output mode [1]>
2. At the prompt, either press
to accept the default value (i.e., the current setting) in
square brackets, or type the number that corresponds to the appropriate output mode and
The system will confirm your selection, for example:
Output mode is set: RF
3. Complete the appropriate configuration, depending on the output mode. Refer to “Configure
the RF Output” on page 54 or “Configure the IP Output” on pages 56 to 58, as applicable.
Configure the Program PIDs
If any Pro:Idiom channels are configured in the site’s entertainment system, you must configure
program PIDs for the OAT100R output. See “Packet Identifiers (PIDs) Overview” on page 10 for
further information, and/or check with your service representative, if necessary.
1. At the
Setup Command >
prompt, type
and press
The system displays an overview of the current PID configuration (including Pro:Idiom
PIDs) followed by a prompt for the starting program PID, for example:
Current PID Configuration
Program PIDs range:
0x30 - 0x6f
Pro:Idiom PIDs range:
0x1050 - 0x1057
Send Pro:Idiom messages: no
Enter the starting program PID [0x30]:
2. At the prompt, type the new starting program PID in hexadecimal format, and then press
The system will auto-increment the remaining 63 program PIDs from the starting PID.
If any of the program PIDs conflicts with PIDs that have been set/reserved for
Pro:Idiom, the system will display an error message and then return to the starting
program PID prompt.
If you change the starting program PID, the system will display an overview of the new
configuration and prompt for confirmation, for example:
Configuration Options via Command Line (Cont.)
(Continued on next page)