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Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
Healthy Dehumidification Mode
• When the dehumidification operation input by the remote controller is received, the intake air temperature is
detected and the setting temp is automatically set according to the intake air temperature.
Intake Air Temp => 25°C
Intake Air Temp < 26°C => Intake Air Temp-1°C
Intake Air Temp < 24°C => Intake Air Temp-0.5°C
Intake Air Temp < 18°C => 18°C
• While in compressor off, the indoor fan repeats low airflow speed and pause.
• While the intake air temp is between compressor on temp. and compressor off temp., 10-min dehumidification
operation and 4-min compressor off repeat
Compressor ON Temp. => Setting Temp+0.5°C
Compressor OFF Temp. => Setting Temp-0.5°C
• In 10-min dehumidification operation, the indoor fan operates with the low airflow speed.
Heating Mode Operation
• When the intake air Temp. reaches Compressor OFF Temp., the compressor is turned off.
When the intake air Temp. reaches Compressor ON Temp., the compressor is turned on.
Compressor ON Temp. => Setting Temp. +2˚C
Compressor OFF Temp. => Setting Temp.+4°C
• While in compressor on, the indoor fan is off when the indoor pipe temp. is below 26®¨C , when above 28°C ,
it operates with the low or setting airflow speed (while in sleep mode, with the medium airflow speed).
• While in compressor off, the indoor fan is off when the indoor pipe temp is below 33°C , when above 35°C , it
operates with the low airflow speed.
• If overloaded while in heating mode operation, in order to prevent the compressor from OLP operation, the
outdoor fan is turned on/off according to the indoor pipe temp.
• While in defrost control, both of the indoor and outdoor fans are turned off.
Defrost Control
• While in heating mode operation in order to protect the evaporator pipe of outdoor unit from freezing, reversed
to cooling cycle to defrost the evaporator pipe of the outdoor unit.
• Defrost control is available 30 minutes later since heating mode operation started, and it will not polong over 6
• Deicing starts only when the outdoor pipe temperature falls below -6°C after 30 minutes passed from starting of
heating operating and more than 10 minutes operation of compressor.
• Deicing ends after 6 minutes passed from starting of deice operation or when the outdoor pipe temperature rises
over 12°C even if before 6 minutes.
Fuzzy Operation (Outdoor unit C/O Model)
• According to the temperature set by Fuzzy rule, when the intake air temp is 0.5°C or more below the setting
temp, the compressor is turned off. When 0.5°C or more above the setting temp, the compressor is turned on.
Compressor ON Temp => Setting Temp+0.5°C
Compressor OFF Temp => Setting Temp+0.5°C
• At the beginning of Fuzzy mode operation, the setting temperature is automatically selected according to the
intake air temp at that time.
Operation Details