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Copyright ©2009 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
Replacement procedure for Compressor(ARUN508T1-ARUN4008T1)
1) Collect the refrigerant by using refrigerant recov-
ery unit
(Since the setting on outdoor unit PCB is required for
refrigerant recovery, refer to the warming plate
Precautions in service work attached on the switch
box cover)
2) Remove the sound insulator mat covering the
faulty compressor, and disconnect the power
3) Disconnect the brazing sections of suction pipe
and discharge pipe by using brazing torch after the
refrigerant has been collected completely.
4) Remove equalizing pipe nut.
5) Remove three bolts at cushion rubber section to
take out the faulty compressor outside the unit.
6) Install the new compressor in the unit.(Be sure to
insert the cushion rubbers before tightening the
fixing bolts of compressor.)
7) Remove the rubber caps put on the suction and
discharge pipe of the new compressor to
release.the sealing nitrogen gas.(Take note that oil
may spout due to the pipe inside pressure if the
plug put on the equalizing seat is removed before
removing of rubber cap.)
8) Fasten equalizing pipe with nut.(14 ~ 18N.m)
9) Braze the suction and discharge pipe with brazing
torch to the compressor.
Cut section
10) Conduct air tight test to check the piping system
is free from leakage.
11) Connect power cable to the terminal board of
compressor and cover the compressor with
sound insulator mat.
12) Conduct vacuum drying.(Since the setting on out-
door unit PCB is required for vacuum drying, refer
to the warning plate recautions in service work”
attached on the switch box cover.)
13) Charge refrigerant after the completion of vacuum
drying, and check the function of compressor
with cooling or heating operation.
Equalizing seat outlet
Oil Return pipe
Discharge pipe
Suction pipe
Replacement procedure for Compressor(ARUN508T1-ARUN4008T1)