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Only for training and service purposes
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2.1.3 Compressor stage during oil return control defrost control
Compressor stage at normal oil return state
2 unit combination : 60Hz + stage 2
3 unit combination : 60Hz + stage 3
High pressure limit
Low pressure limit
High pressure < 3284 kpa
High pressure
3546 kpa
Pressure range
Compressor combination
Refer to combination table
Pressure range
Compressor combination
Refer to combination table
Low pressure
242 kpa
Low pressure
229 kpa
Comp. combination during defrost control
Pressure limit
Before 70sec.
1 unit
2 unit
3 unit
Before 70sec.
after 70sec.
after 70sec.
1unit(half size)
minimum Hz
50 Hz
45 Hz
45 Hz +
constant comp.1
60 Hz
80 Hz
45 Hz +
constant comp.1
45 Hz +
constant comp.2
50 Hz
60 Hz
60 Hz +
constant comp.1
60 Hz +
constant comp.2
80 Hz
60 Hz +
constant comp.1
60 Hz +
constant comp.2
60 Hz +
constant comp.3