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Copyright ©2009 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
4.2 Instant indoor unit checking mode
- Indoor units can be turned on/off by outdoor unit without central controller or central control address setting with
this function.
- All indoor units will be turned off and be wait for 3 min. at the beginning.
- All indoor units can be run on only one mode, cooling or heating by dip switch setting.
- In instant indoor unit checking mode, the indoor unit cannot be controlled by the wired remote controller and
there is no display in indoor unit's remote controller. If the indoor unit is turned on/off by the remote controller, it
has no effect on the unit.
Red button : push 3 times in 3 sec.
Instant indoor unit checking mode starts
Red button pushed : Next indoor unit
Black button pushed : On
Off, Off
(3 times)
Red button pushed : Next indoor unit
At last indoor unit,
Red button pushed : Return to 1
Dip switch setting
1 on : cooling, 1,2 on : heating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8