Starting up the device - IO-Link interface
Leuze electronic
CML 720i Ex
Starting up the device - IO-Link interface
The configuration of an IO-Link interface involves the following steps on the receiver control panel and the
IO-Link master module of the control-specific configuration software.
General prerequisites:
• The measuring light curtain has been mounted (see chapter 6) and connected (see chapter 7) cor
• The basic configuration has been performed (see chapter 8).
Defining IO-Link device configurations on the receiver control panel
The parameters for the IO-Link interface are configured with the bit rate and process data length (PD
length) configurations. By changing the bit rate and/or the process data length, the light curtain receives a
new IO-Link device ID and must be operated with the compatible IO Device Description (IODD).
The structure of these configurations in the receiver control panel menu is as follows:
Select Main Settings > IO-Link > Bit rate.
Select Main Settings > IO-Link > PD-Length.
The bit rate and PD length are configured.
Other possible configuration steps are performed via the
Sensor Studio
configuration software (see
chapter 12).
Process mode is configured via the IO-Link master module of the control-specific software.
Defining configurations via the IO-Link master module of the PLC-specific software
General prerequisites:
• The measuring light curtain has been mounted (see chapter 6) and connected (see chapter 7) cor
• The basic configuration has been performed (see chapter 8).
• IO-Link-specific basic configurations have been performed.
• IO-Link bit rate selected
• IO-Link PD length selected
Changes take effect immediately!
The changes take effect immediately (without restarting).
The IODD file is supplied with the device and is available for download at
Factory settings:
Bit rate (COM2) = 38.4 kbit/s
PD length: 2 bytes
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Main Settings
Operational setting
Bit rate
COM3: 230.4
COM2: 38.4
PD Length
2 bytes
8 bytes
32 bytes
Data storage