AT commands
Modulation control commands
EDSMF2181IB EN 3.0
Values defined
Result codes
A string that specifies the modem carrier preferred, which is
used when a connection is created or answered. <carrier>
values are strings of up to eight characters, which only
consist of digits and upper case letters. <carrier> values for
ITU standard modulations have the following form:
<letter><1−4 digits><other letters, as required>. Values
defined are listed in Tab. 10−1.
OK − valid string
otherwise ERROR
A numerical value which activates or deactivates the
automatic modulation setting (ITU−T V.32bis annex A or V.8).
0 = auto−mode activated. 1 = auto−mode deactivated (default
<min_rx_rate> and <max_rx_rate>
Numerical values that specify the lowest (<min_rx_rate>)
and highest (<max_rx_rate>) rate at which the modem can
establish a receive connection. They can also be used to
determine other limit values for the reception and distinguish
them from the transmission. Values for this subparameter
are decimally coded in bps units. The possible values for each
modulation are listed in Tab. 10−1. According to the <carrier>
values and the replacement <carrier> values entered, as they
are determined during operation, current values are limited
to possible values. (Default setting = lowest (<min_rx_rate>)
and highest (<max_rx_rate>) rate supported by the carrier
<min_tx_rate> and <max_tx_rate>
Numerical values that specify the lowest (<min_rx_rate>)
and highest (<max_rx_rate>) rate at which the modem can
establish a transmission connection. Non−zero values for this
subparameter are decimally coded in bps units. The possible
values for each modulation are listed in Tab. 10−1. Current
values are limited to possible values according to the
<carrier> and replacement <carrier> values entered, as they
are determined during operation. (Default setting = lowest
(<min_tx_rate>) and highest (<max_tx_rate>) rate
supported by the carrier selected).
Commands reported
Reports current rates
+MS:<carrier>,<automode>,<min_tx_rate>, <max_tx_rate>, <min_rx_rate>,<max_rx_rate>
The current active settings are reported under control of the +MR parameters.
+MS: K56, 1,300,33600,300,56000 for default values.
This example allows for maximum system flexibility for defining optimum reception and
transmission rates during operation.
Reports the parameter value range supported
+MS: (< carrier> range),(<automode> range),(<min_tx_rate> range),(<max_tx_rate>
range),(<min_rx_rate> range),(<max_rx_rate> range)
Example 1:
K56,V90),(0,1),(300−33600),(300−33600),(300−56000),(300− 56000)
Example 2:
V90,V92),(0,1),(300−33600),(300−33600),(300−56000),(300− 56000)