Relocate T0 Return Air Sensor
Figure 20. Identify T0 Sensor Connection on PCB
This sensor can be extended with 18 AWG stranded
shielded cable.
1. Identify the T0 connection on the main board - CN4.
(white wires soldered to PCB)
Figure 21. Identify White Plug into Black Wire
Figure 22. Cut the Black Wire
2. Identify where the white wire is plugged into the black
3. Cut the black wire between the plug and the sensor
thermistor. Leave adequate room for making wiring
connections on each end.
4. Prepare the 18 AWG stranded shielded extension
5. Solder the extension cable to the black wire on each
end or use the VRF accessory V0SNSR00P (13G99)
to splice in the extension cable.
6. Locate the return air thermistor to the conditioned
area of which the indoor unit serves.
Figure 23. Sensor Thermistor
Avoid installing sensor in high load or heat loss areas
such as exterior walls or walls that are against uncondi-
tioned spaces, near entry doors and windows, or where
direct sunlight may be present.
Relocate the unit return air from inside the unit to a loca-
tion within the conditioned zone whenever the return is
pulling air from above the ceiling or if fresh air is being
introduced and mixed into the return. The T0 sensor can-
not accurately read the space temperature under these
conditions if the sensor remains located inside of the unit.