9.3 Recipes
Recipes saved recipes can be found under Select. To select a recipe, press the
Confirm button (33)
If no recipes are available, you can create recipes under New.
Use the
Minus/Plus buttons (32)
to select the desired
recipe Press the
Confirm button (33)
to accept the
recipe Exit the menu by pressing the
Menu button (34)
Note for test welding appears
To edit a name, press the
Confirm button (33)
the Minus/Plus buttons (32).
Select characters or digits, and
use the
Confirm button (33)
to accept. Line change with the
Work light button (30)
Heater button (31)
to exit
the character editor and save the name check mark and accept with the
Confirm button (33)
You can create a recipe yourself under the New menu item.