5.4 Info
Here is for you to view system information. There are total five items: HDD INFO (hard disk information), BPS
(data stream statistics), LOG, VERSION, and ONLINE USERS.
5.4.1 HDD Info
Here is to list hard disk type, total space, free space, video start time and status.
means current HDD is normal
means there is error
means there is no HDD
means the disk is damaged
When HDD conflict occurs, you can check the system time and the HDD time are identical. If they are not
identical, Go to GENERAL menu (MAIN MENU -> SETTING -> GENERAL) to adjust system time or go to HDD
MANAGE menu (MAIN MENU -> ADVANCED ->HDD MANAGE) to format HDD and then reboot the DVR.
After system booted up, if there is any conflict, system goes to HDD information interface directly.