Technical data sheet: S000092664EN-1
Created: 03/05/2016
Catalogue number(s): 0 026 93
KNX 4 channels binary input interface
7 . parameter Setting DeSCription in the etS (continued)
7 .5 parameter window“preset Channel a~D” (continued)
7 .5 .2 Separately adjustable working mode for binary input
7 .5 .2 .6 Counter (continued)
parameter “Cyclically send counter value: base × factor”
The parameter is used to set the interval time between two telegrams
that are sent cyclically. Transmission cycle time=Base × Factor.
Base options: 100ms/1s/1min/1h
Factor options: 1…255
Counting rules (the mode of counter):
If a decrementing counter is defined with the parameter “factor: one
counter step changes counter value by [-10000…10000]”, namely
negative counting, the initial value is for the high limit value. The
device counts from the high limit to low limit. When the count value
is less than low limit value, it will overflow. Then the new count
value=the count value – the low limit value + the high limit value
+1, and the device will start continually counting from the new
count value.
If an incrementing counter is defined with the parameter “factor:
one counter step changes counter value by [-10000…10000]”,
namely positive counting, the initial value is for the low limit value.
The device counts from the low limit to high limit. When the count
value is greater than the high limit, it will overflow. Then the new
count value=the count value - the high limit value + the low limit
value -1, and the device will start continually counting from the new
count value.
The application program automatically compares the counter
limit value1 and limit value 2, looks for the high limit value from
both set limits, and commences to count up or down to suit the
counting direction. (About the high / low limit value parameters are
described below). The mode of counter is the same for the main and
differential counter.
It is important to ensure that both limit values are set to different
values. If identical end limit values are entered the behaviour of the
counter cannot be defined.
When disable the counter function, both input scanning and object
in/out are disabled.Any input status change will be ignored.
Fig.7.14 (2) Parameter window “Main Counter X”
parameter “Data width of counter”
The data width of the main counter is selected with this parameter. The
counting range and the data type of the object “Mcounter: Counter
value, X” depend on this parameter setting.
Options: 8bit [0…255]
16bit [-32768…32767]
16bit [0…65535]
32bit [-2147470000…2147470000]
parameter “Counter limit value ½”
The parameter is used to set the counter limit value. The limit value 1 is
preset for every data type to 0. The limit value 2 is preset which depend
on the data width of main counter selected, and the input field of limit
value 2 can be freely edited.
7 . parameter Setting DeSCription in the etS (continued)
7 .5 parameter window“preset Channel a~D” (continued)
7 .5 .2 Separately adjustable working mode for binary input
7 .5 .2 .6 Counter (continued)
parameter “Send counter value on change”
This parameter is used to select if a change of the counter state is to be
sent for the main counter.
Options: Yes
parameter “Send counter value cyclically”
This parameter is used to determine if the counter values are to be sent
cyclically on the bus for the main counter. The interval time between
two telegrams that are sent cyclically to be set with the parameter
“Cyclically send counter value: Base × Factor”.
Options: Yes
Fig.7.14(3) Parameter window “Differential Counter X”
parameter “Data width of counter”
The data width of the differential counter is selected with this
parameter. The counting range and the data type of the object
“DCounter: Counter value, X” depend on this parameter setting.
Options: 8bit [0…255]
16bit [-32768…32767]
16bit [0…65535]
32bit [-2147470000…2147470000]
parameter “Counter limit value ½”
The parameter is used to set the counter limit value1/2. The limit value
1/2 are preset which depend on the data width of differential counter
selected, and the input field of limit value 1/2 can be freely edited.
parameter “mode of counter”
The parameter indicates the counting mode of differential counter is the
same with the main counter.
parameter “When counter crossing limit value”
This parameter sets the reaction when a limit value is reached. Options:
Continue circular counting Stop until reset
If “Continue circular counting” is selected, the counter continues
circular counting. If the actual value falls below the low limit value (only
possible with a decrementing counter) or exceeds the high limit value
(only possible with an incrementing counter), the new count value is
set to the start count value and the pulse count is continued. The new
count value is described in the above chapters.
If “Stop until reset” is selected, the counter stops counting and waits for
a reset. If the actual value falls below the low limit value (only possible
with a decrementing counter) or exceeds the high limit value (only
possible with an incrementing counter), the object “Dcounter: stop, X”
will send telegram “0" on the bus, and the counter stops counting, until
the counter value is reset or the object “Dcounter: stop, X” receiving
telegram “1”. If the object “Dcounter: stop, X” receiving telegram “1”,
the counter continues circular counting from the new count value.
If the counter value is reset, it will count from the initial value of the
parameter. The new count value is described in the above chapters.