Connecting Multiple Chairs
Figure 7 shows the wiring for two adjacent chairs in a row. For a loveseat configuration or the first set
of chairs in a row, replace the power injector cable with a direct power cable (7706160001). Connect
additional chairs by repeating the pattern shown in figure 7, connecting the power injector cable for
each additional set of chairs to the open socket on the button adapter cable from the previous chair.
Connect the LP Connect bridge to the open socket on the button adapter cable (right) of the last chair
in the row. An example of four chairs in a row is shown in figure 8.
Standard 5-pin button
5-pin to 8-pin button
adapter cable (7706190001)
8-pin to 8-pin LP Connect
cable (7706130001)
Power injection
cable (7706140001),
or power cable
(7706160001) for first
chair in row
Not shown: LP Sense
occupancy pad (7706150001),
LP Sense ring terminal cable
Power supply
Power cord
LP Drive motor
Figure 7. Wiring diagram for two connected chairs sharing a single power supply.