Ensure your battery is fully charged before your first ride.
7. If the battery is not already inside the bike, slide it inside of the
frame and lock it in position. Make sure the battery is all the way
inside the bike. Once the battery is secured inside, insert the key
into the battery via the port on the underbelly of the frame near
the seatpost. See the Battery section of this manual for further
information on the operation of the battery.
8. Push the key in firmly. When looking at the battery from below,
turn the keys clockwise. to lock the battery to the bike and turn it
to the ON position. You will not be able to remove the keys from
the battery in this position.
Make sure to push the key in firmly to be able to turn the key
to the ON position.
The key has to be inside the battery and turned to the ON
position in order to operate the bike. In this position, you will
not be able to remove the key from the bike. See the Battery
section of this manual for further information. The page
number of this section can be found by referring to the table
of contents at the beginning of this manual.
Before transporting the bike on a bike rack, remove the
battery from the bike.
9. Hold down the power button on the button pad located on the left
handlebar until the display comes on.
10. Select a level of pedal assist using the plus and minus buttons on
the button pad. Pedal assist level 1 is the lowest level of assist
and pedal assist level 5 is the highest level of assist. Level zero
will provide no assistance.
11. Do not leave the bike in PAS levels 1-5 when it is not in use.
This will prevent accidental motor engagements from occurring.
12. The right handlebar features a half twist throttle. To operate
the throttle, ensure the pedal assist level is set above 0, then
twist the throttle back slowly according to how much speed
and acceleration you want to achieve. The farther you twist the
throttle from its resting position, the more power propels the bike
forward. When the bike is at a complete stop, turn the display off.