To use your electric bike:
Read the entirety of this manual before taking your first ride.
Especially the Safety, Folding and Unfolding the Bike, Preparing
to Ride, and Operating Safety sections. The page number of
these sections can be found by referring to the table of contents
at the beginning of this manual.
2. Check that the tire and the tire bead are seated just inside
the rim. Inflate your bike tires to a pressure that is within the
recommended range printed on the side of the bike tire sidewalls.
When inflating, gradually inflate in 5-10PSI increments while
checking to make sure the tire bead is fully seated on the rim.
If you notice the tire bead is not fully seated at any point during
inflation, deflate the tire completely and reseat the tire bead
before reinflating.
3. Check your seatpost clamp and handlebar stem quick releases.
Unlatch the quick releases and tighten by turning the bolt
clockwise. Make sure both quick releases are tightened to the
torque listed in the Recommended Torque Values section of
this manual. The page number of this section can be found by
referring to the table of contents at the beginning of this manual.
4. Ensure both your seatpost and handlebar stem are inserted past
their minimum insertion points as indicated by the markings on
them. Reference the Preparing to Ride section of this manual
for photos and complete instructions.
Failure to insert past
the minimum insertion point will place undue stress on these
components increasing the risk of sudden failure potentially
resulting in harm, injury, or death.
5. Check to make sure your frame folding latch and handlebar
folding latch are locked. Reference the Folding and Unfolding the
Bike section of this manual for photos and complete instructions.
The page number of this section can be found by referring to
the table of contents at the beginning of this manual.
check to make sure both latches are secure and locked before
riding. Failure to do so may result in the bike folding while in use
potentially causing serious harm to the rider.