The series of MPS paging stations is designed to provide the system with high-quality
public address and performance microphones. The expansion keyboards available, allow it to
adjust to the particularities of each system in terms of zones.
The microphone desk MPS 8Z allows to give live voice announcements messages for up
to 64 memories of selection of public address zones of a NEO system.
1. 8 zone memories with addressing of 8 zones per memory, 64 zones
2. Up to 64 zone memories with addressing of 8 zones per memory, 512 zones (by means of
expansion keypads)
3. 8 memories for system events
4. Recall (from latest live PA message)
5. Ding dong (chime)
6. External microphone input
7. Volume adjustment
8. System evacuation status indicator
9. System failure status indicator
10. Status indicator of link with the system
11. Zone memory selection indicator
12. Word indicator granted
13. Busy line indicator
14. 8 Zone memory selection indicators
15. Keypad lock
16. Zone memory pre-selection memory
17. DSA ("Dynamic Sound Adjuster")
LDA Audio Tech – 31 Severo Ochoa - 29590 MALAGA, Spain. Tel: +34 952028805
User's Manual: MPS 8Z