MachXO5-NX Development Board
Evaluation Board User Guide
© 2022 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
ldc_set_location -site {G14} [get_ports EXPCON_IO31]
ldc_set_location -site {H15} [get_ports EXPCON_IO32]
ldc_set_location -site {G18} [get_ports EXPCON_IO33]
ldc_set_location -site {H16} [get_ports EXPCON_IO34]
ldc_set_location -site {G19} [get_ports EXPCON_IO35]
ldc_set_location -site {H20} [get_ports EXPCON_IO36]
ldc_set_location -site {H19} [get_ports EXPCON_IO37]
ldc_set_location -site {J17} [get_ports EXPCON_IO38]
ldc_set_location -site {J18} [get_ports EXPCON_IO39]
ldc_set_location -site {J15} [get_ports EXPCON_IO40]
ldc_set_location -site {J16} [get_ports EXPCON_IO41]
ldc_set_location -site {J13} [get_ports EXPCON_IO42]
ldc_set_location -site {J14} [get_ports EXPCON_IO43]
ldc_set_location -site {J12} [get_ports EXPCON_IO44]
ldc_set_location -site {H13} [get_ports EXPCON_IO45]
ldc_set_location -site {E16} [get_ports EXPCON_OSC]
ldc_set_location -site {E17} [get_ports EXPCON_CLKIN]
ldc_set_location -site {D20} [get_ports EXPCON_CLKOUT]
ldc_set_location -site {F5} [get_ports HPE_RESOUT#]
ldc_set_location -site {D8} [get_ports HPE_CARDSEL#]
//Aardvark Header Connections
ldc_set_location -site {M19} [get_ports AK_SCL]
ldc_set_location -site {M20} [get_ports AK_SDA]
ldc_set_location -site {N14} [get_ports AK_MISO]
ldc_set_location -site {N15} [get_ports AK_SCLK]
ldc_set_location -site {N16} [get_ports AK_SS]
ldc_set_location -site {N17} [get_ports AK_MOSI]
//Arduino Header Connections
ldc_set_location -site {J19} [get_ports AR_IO0]
ldc_set_location -site {J20} [get_ports AR_IO1]
ldc_set_location -site {K12} [get_ports AR_IO2]
ldc_set_location -site {K13} [get_ports AR_IO3]
ldc_set_location -site {K14} [get_ports AR_IO4]
ldc_set_location -site {K15} [get_ports AR_IO5]
ldc_set_location -site {K16} [get_ports AR_IO6]
ldc_set_location -site {K17} [get_ports AR_IO7]
ldc_set_location -site {L12} [get_ports AR_IO8]
ldc_set_location -site {L13} [get_ports AR_IO9]
ldc_set_location -site {L14} [get_ports AR_SS_IO10]
ldc_set_location -site {L15} [get_ports AR_MOSI_IO11]
ldc_set_location -site {L16} [get_ports AR_MISO_IO12]
ldc_set_location -site {K19} [get_ports AR_SCK_IO13]
ldc_set_location -site {L20} [get_ports AR_IO14]
ldc_set_location -site {N18} [get_ports AR_SDA]
ldc_set_location -site {N19} [get_ports AR_SCL]
ldc_set_location -site {K20} [get_ports AR_RESET]
ldc_set_location -site {M11} [get_ports AR_AD0]
ldc_set_location -site {M12} [get_ports AR_AD1]
ldc_set_location -site {M13} [get_ports AR_AD2]
ldc_set_location -site {M14} [get_ports AR_AD3]
ldc_set_location -site {M17} [get_ports AR_AD4]
ldc_set_location -site {M18} [get_ports AR_AD5]