ispClock5400D Evaluation Board
Lattice Semiconductor
User’s Guide
Figure 7. Scope Plot - Bank 0 and Bank 2 Overlapped
Note that a small inherent skew of the outputs plus any set-up delay in cables is about 50-80ps.
In PAC-Designer choose
Tools > Design Utilities…
The Design Utilities dialog appears.
and click
The ISPPAC-CLK5406D Skew Editor appears.
Figure 8. ispPAC-CLK5406D Skew Editor
The Skew Editor allows you to graphically configure the ispClock5406D output skew. Waveforms are color
coded. All disabled outputs are indicated in gray, while active outputs are indicated in green or white. Skew is
adjusted by dragging the waveform edges with the mouse. Dragging the waveform specified as feedback (high-
lighted in green) will move every other waveform in the opposite direction.
The Phase Skew steps are larger steps than the Time Skew. In the demo design, the “PUD” Phase Unit Delay,
has steps of 0.31 ns and there are 16 steps for each bank. For the demo, the Time Skew step is 18 ps.