Manual: Purelight PL-16.000RGB / PL-31.000RGB
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3. X/Y Axis
There are two trim pots for X and Y axis adjustments on the rear side of the unit. Use the
X-Axis pot to vary or to glean the picture along the x-axis. Use the Y-Axis pot to vary or to
glean the picture along the Y-axis. Avoid that both pots are set to centerposition at the
same time. Otherwise the power density of the beam gets extremly high! (You can avoid
this by activating the safety with beam block.)
4. Colors
The trim pots Red, Green and Blue on the rear side of the device can be used to adjust the
single colors in their color balance.
Turn the „Red“-pot to adjust the red color balance.
Green: Turn the „Green“-pot to adjust the green color balance.
Turn the „Blue“-pot to adjust the blue color balance.
5. Overheat
Find the “Overheat“-LED below the “Power“-LED on the rear side of the device. By de-
fault the unit has an integrated protection against overheating. To avoid overheating,
the overheat control reduces the output power without switching the device off. If the
temperature of the device (not air temperature) becomes to high, the overheat LED lights
up and the output power of the device gets reduced. Please improve ventilation if the
Overheat LED lights up
6. Interlock / Safety
There is an Interlock-/Safety-LED on the rear side of the device. If this LED lights up,
one of the following cases stopped the beam output:
1. For a short time after switching on the device (self test). During the initial startup
time of a few seconds there is no output for safety reasons.
2. The device is connected to the power supply but not to an ILDA connection.
3. The interlock system of the device will block output if there is no connection to
pin 7 and 14 of the ILDA signal line.
4. The scan fail safety will block output if there is a failure at the scanning system.
5. If the beam block safety is activated, the system does not allow to project single
beams or very small patterns. This is also indicated by the safety LED.