3: Summary of CLI Commands
XPort Pro™ Command Reference
lpd <line> level
show statistics
Displays statistics and status information for this lpd line.
soj disable
Disables sending the start-of-job string after each print job.
soj enable
Enables sending the start-of-job string after each print job.
soj text binary
Sets the start-of-job text allowing for binary characters.
<binary> = string in binary format that will be sent to the
printer at the
beginning of each print job.
Within [] use binary decimal up to 255 or hex up to 0xFF.
soj text set <text>
Sets the start-of-job text allowing for binary characters.
<binary> = string in binary format that will be sent to the
printer at the
beginning of each print job.
Within [] use binary decimal up to 255 or hex up to 0xFF.
terminal <line>
Enters the configure-terminal level.
<line> = number of the terminal line (serial port) to be
terminal network
Enters the configure-terminal level for the network.
test print <number of
Prints lines of text directly to the lpd line.
<number of lines> = number of lines to print.
tunnel <line>
Enters the tunnel level.
<line> = number of the tunnel line (serial port) to be
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
modem Level Commands
Command Path: enable>tunnel #>modem
Level Prompt: tunnel-modem:#
Where # is the line number.
The following is a list of commands available in the modem level.
modem level commands Description
Clears the screen.
connect string <text>
Sets the CONNECT string used in modem emulation.
<string> = connect string.
default incoming
Default disables incoming network connections.
default response type
Default uses text type responses.