5: Commands and Levels
EDS1100/2100 Command Reference
Clears the screen.
default max length
Restores the factory default maximum Log file size.
default output
Disables log output.
default severity level
Log all events.
Exits to the next higher level.
max length
Sets the maximum size in Kbytes for the Log file.
output disable
Enables log to filesystem.
output filesystem
Enables log to serial line.
output line
Could not find VarID 438 entry 3 in file http/config/varid_help.mtxt
severity level debug
Log all events.
severity level error
Log only Error and more severe events.
severity level information
Log only Information and more severe events.
severity level notice
Log only Notice and more severe events.
severity level warning
Log only Warning and more severe events.
Shows the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
lpd (lpd) level commands
auto show
Continuously displays lpd status for the specified line.
<line> = LPD line to display.
Clears the screen.
Exits to the enable level.
Kills the current print job on the specified line.
<line> = LPD line with print job.
Displays lpd status for the specified line.
<line> = LPD line to display.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
lpd 1 (config-lpd:1) level commands
banner disable
Disables printing banner for all print jobs. Only print the banner
when a
job requests it.
banner enable
Enables printing banner for all print jobs.
binary disable
Treats print job as ascii text. Filters out all non-ascii characters and
certain control characters.
binary enable
Treats print job as binary. Sends data byte-for-byte to the printer.
capture disable
Redirects serial output back to the line.
capture enable
Redirects serial output from the line to this CLI session.
Clears the screen.
convert newline disable
Disables converting single new line and carriage return characters
DOS-style line endings.
convert newline enable
Enables converting single new line and carriage return characters