Direct grilling
The best known and most used methods.
With direct grilling one should place the food to be grilled
flat and close to the heat source (coal embers, gas burner,
electric heating element). With this traditional method the
effect of the heat radiation on the food being grilled is the
strongest and keeps the cooking time short (quick grill).
Covered grills and kettle grills work through the use of the
hood and ventilation valves in the lid and the coal pan. With
a closed lid and the ventilation valves in an open position
the cooking time can be shortened; simultaneously the
charcoal aroma becomes more powerful.
Indirect grilling
To prepare the fire bowl for indirect grilling the so-called
coal dividers (16) (usually aluminium grills made from wire)
should be placed in the holders in the container that are put
there for this purpose, or in the coal grill container. In this
way the fire bowl will be divided into three zones: Zones 1
and 3 constitute the intervening spaces between the coal
dividers (16) and the side wall of the fuel container.
Zone 2 is the space between the coal dividers (16). This
space should remain clear. Here there could for example
be placed a drip bowl or plate to catch the dripping fat.
Zones 1 and 3 will be filled with fuel and lit according to
the lighting instructions. As soon as the optimal heat
conditions are reached, indirect grilling can commence.
It should also be noted that during unprotected, direct
grilling there is always the possibility that fat or marinade
may drip from the food on the grill into the heat source and
When cooking with very fatty or marinated foods it is
recommended to use an aluminium grill plate or even
better one made from enamelled steel plate.
The grill above the fire is usually constructed in such a way
that there remains above Zones 1 and 3 enough space
for direct grilling, so that both variations can be used
simultaneously. For slow and gentle indirect grilling a lid
is always necessary. This will be used to cover the fire bowl
and thus to create an enclosed cooking space.
The ventilation valves on the floor of the fire bowl and
on the top side of the lid must be opened during indirect
grilling to allow for the flow-through of oxygen. In this way
the cooking space will function in principle like a convector
oven. Cooking times using indirect grilling are naturally
much longer than they would be using direct grilling.
Turning over of the food being grilled and thus the frequent
opening of the lid is however unnecessary, as the food is
heated from all directions.