Built-In Programs
This is a time and resistance based program where your time can
vary between 5 - 99 minutes and your maximum effort level can vary
between 5 and 20. The lowest value you can set for your maximum
effort level is 5. The program will automatically scale based on your
maximum effort level.
This is a time based program where time can vary between 5 - 99
minutes. You can set a high interval from 1 - 20. The program will
automatically scale based on your maximum and minimum effort levels.
The overall goal of this program is to vary your workout load, taking
you from peak to recovery repeatedly throughout the duration of the
workout. Please keep in mind that when you set your low interval it
cannot exceed the resistance you selected as your high interval.
This is a time based program where time can vary between 5 - 99
minutes. You set the maximum effort levels for two different hills where
the resistance levels can vary between 5 and 20. The lowest value you
can set for your maximum effort level is 5. The program will automatically
scale based on your peak values creating a program that takes you up
and back down for two predefined peaks.
Time-based program identical to HILLS (see above) with the exception
that it only has one hill where the maximum effort level varies between 5
and 20. The lowest value you can set for your maximum level is 5.
Time-based program where the effort level will change to a random
value every 60 seconds. The only value each segment cannot exceed
is the maximum effort level preset during set-up. The maximum effort
level varies between 5 and 20. The lowest value you can set for your
maximum effort level is 5. The overall goal of this program is to create
an experience similar to going for a ride in an unknown town where you
can’t predict what’s around the corner.