Compressor does not
A. Compressor relay or overload
A. Replace compressor relay or
start (no hum), but
condenser fan motor
B. Inadequate voltage.
B. Measure voltage across common
and run terminal on compressor.
Voltage must not drop below 90%
of rated voltage.
C. Incorrect wiring.
C. Refer to wiring diagram and correct.
D. Compressor malfunctioning.
D. Replace compressor.
Compressor does not
A. Inadequate voltage.
A. Measure voltage across common
start but hums.
and run terminal on compressor.
Voltage must not drop below 90%
of rated voltage.
B. Incorrect wiring.
B. Refer to wiring diagram and correct.
C. Starting relay malfunctioning.
C. Replace starting relay. Be sure to
use correct relay. Failure to use
correct relay will cause compressor
D. Compressor malfunctioning.
D. Replace compressor or deck.
Compressor starts but
A. Inadequate voltage.
A. Measure voltage across common
does not switch off start
and run terminal on compressor.
winding (will run for only B. Incorrect wiring.
B. Refer to wiring diagram and correct.
a few seconds before
C. Starting relay malfunctioning.
C. Replace starting relay. Be sure to
internal overload
use correct relay. Failure to use
switches compressor
correct relay will cause compressor
Compressor starts and
A. Dirty condenser.
A. Clean the condenser.
runs a short time but
B. Insufficient or blocked air flow.
B. Remove all obstructions and allow
shuts off on overload.
for minimum clearances of eight (8)
inches (20.3 cm) over top.
C. Inadequate voltage.
C. Measure voltage across common
and run terminal on compressor.
Voltage must not drop below 90%
of rated voltage.
D. Incorrect wiring.
D. Refer to wiring diagram and correct.
E. Defective condenser fan motor. E. Replace condenser fan motor.
Refrigerant leak.
Repair and recharge.
G. Compressor malfunctioning.
G. Replace compressor.
Compressor runs
A. Low water level in water bath.
A. Add water to water bath until water
normally, but water line
runs out of overflow into drip tray.
is frozen.
B. Syrup in water bath.
B. Drain water from water bath and
refill with clean water.
C. Water cage is out of position.
C. Reposition water cage.
D. Low freon charge/slow freon
D. Find and repair leak. Recharge
Compressor cycles
A. PCB malfunctioning
A. Replace PCB assembly.
on and off frequently
B. Defective probe.
B. Replace probe.
during the initial
pulldown and/or
normal operations.
Circuit breaker popping.
A. Valve wire harness shorted to
A. Detect short by disconnecting input
itself or to faucet plate.
faston to keylock and single pin
connector. Restore power if
breaker doesn’t pop. Then valve
wire harness is shorted, if OK,
(Section 6.12 continued on next page.)