Obr. 33
Krok 30: Zdvihnite páku zdvíhacieho systému odpadovej nádoby.
Zarovnajte odpadovú nádobu a zatlačte nádobu dovnútra stroja. Zatlačte
na páku smerom nadol, čím utesníte odpadovú nádobu k stroju.
Obr. 34
Krok 31: Pri zarovnaní nádoby sa uistite, že ako ľavá, tak pravá časť
nádoby pevne sedia vo zdvíhacom mechanizme, než zdvihnete nádobu k
stroju. Ak nesedí odpadová nádoba v mechanizme správne, neutesní sa k
stroju, čo bude mať negatívny vplyv na samotné odsávanie.
Obr. 35
Krok 32: Namontujte spínač na motor pomocou šesťhranných skrutiek (4)
6 mm*19 mm a podložiek (4) 6 mm*OD19*2T.
Obr. 36
Krok 33: Zostavte lopatkové čistenie filtra pomocou šesťhranných skrutiek
(4) 6 mm*16 mm a podložiek (4) 6 mm*OD19*1T a matíc (4) 6 mm.
Obr. 37
Krok 34: Zostavte lopatky a pripevnite na profil pomocou skrutiek (4) 6
mm*16 mm a podložiek (4) 6 mm*OD19*1T a matíc (4) 6 mm.
Obr. 38
Krok 35: Vložte lopatkové čistenie do filtra. Aby bolo možné vsunúť
lopatky do skladaného filtra, jemne ich ohnite.
Obr. 39
Krok 36: Filter pripevnite k centrálnej separačnej časti. Utiahnite pás a
zaistite svorkou. Uistite sa, že je filter správne nasadený na centrálnu
separačnú časť a prípadne dotiahnite.
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Twenty Eight: Insert the plastic bag inside the Octagon drum. Open and
spread out the plastic bag to the corners and edges
Step Twenty Nine:
Place the drum insert inside over the plastic bag in the
Octagon drum.
Drum insert
Vnútorná časť odpadovej nádoby
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Thirty: Lift the foot peddle bar. Align the Octagon drum window to the center
point of the drum lid and push the drum in. Lower the foot peddle bar (s) to
seal the drum tight for normal machine operation.
Step Thirty One:
Make sure when aligning the drum that both the left and right
side lift plates are over the topping on the foot peddle bar assembly before lifting
the foot peddle bar up. When not aligned, the drum will not be fully sealed and
will interfere with the air flow.
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Thirty: Lift the foot peddle bar. Align the Octagon drum window to the center
point of the drum lid and push the drum in. Lower the foot peddle bar (s) to
seal the drum tight for normal machine operation.
Step Thirty One:
Make sure when aligning the drum that both the left and right
side lift plates are over the topping on the foot peddle bar assembly before lifting
the foot peddle bar up. When not aligned, the drum will not be fully sealed and
will interfere with the air flow.
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Thirty Two: Install the Remote Switch Box to the switch plate on the motor
using (4) 1/4”*3/4” hex bolts and (4) 1/4”*OD19*2t flat washers.
Step Thirty Three: Take the paddle and paddle branch and assemble together
using (4) 1/4”*5/8” hex bolts, (8) 1/4”*OD13*1t flat washers and (4) 1/4” hex nuts.
Step Thirty Four: Assemble the two paddle and paddle branch assemblies to the
rotation shaft using (4) 1/4”*5/8” hex bolts, (8) 1/4”*OD13*1t flat washers and (4)
1/4” hex nuts.
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Thirty Two: Install the Remote Switch Box to the switch plate on the motor
using (4) 1/4”*3/4” hex bolts and (4) 1/4”*OD19*2t flat washers.
Step Thirty Three: Take the paddle and paddle branch and assemble together
using (4) 1/4”*5/8” hex bolts, (8) 1/4”*OD13*1t flat washers and (4) 1/4” hex nuts.
Step Thirty Four: Assemble the two paddle and paddle branch assemblies to the
rotation shaft using (4) 1/4”*5/8” hex bolts, (8) 1/4”*OD13*1t flat washers and (4)
1/4” hex nuts.
3HP Mobile Dust Cyclone Manual
Step Thirty Five: Insert the rotation shaft assembly into the canister filter. Slightly
bend the paddles to get them into the canister filter.
Step Thirty Six: Assemble the canister filter to the dust chute. Tighten the band
clamp and adjust the tightness accordingly to ensure the canister filter is tightly
fitted onto the dust chute.
Obr. 40
Содержание CFlux 3
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