LaCie Ethernet Disk RAID
User Manual
page 0
Protecting Local Disks
19. When the completion screen appears, review the re-
sults and do one of the following:
20. When the computer restarts, use the appropriate
procedure for your system to configure the computer
to boot from the local hard disk once more.
If you changed the recovery password on the Eth-
ernet Disk RAID, reset it in the Microsoft iSCSI
Initiator* (as described in section
8.4. Resetting the
Recovery Password in the Microsoft iSCSI Initia-
Start Windows Backup Software and remove pro-
tection from the recovered disk or partition (as de-
scribed in section
7.9.5. Removing Protection
Protect the recovered disk once again (as described
in section
7.2. Protecting Your Disks
), re-using the
original backup.
Recovery Options
To accomplish this
Do this
Recover another disk or
Select Recover Another Disk.
If you want to recover a different backup of the same computer from the same Ethernet
Disk RAID, select Yes to retain the current configuration settings and return to step 10.
If you want to recover a different computer’s backup, or if you want to recover a backup
from a different Ethernet Disk RAID, select No to modify the current configuration
settings and return to step 6.
Restart the computer
Select Restart Computer.
When the informational message appears, select OK. When prompted to confirm that
you want to restart the computer, select Yes. You have 10 seconds to remove the recovery
CD from the CD-ROM drive.