Chapter 3 - Checking Your Dario™ Glucose Meter
Checking Your Glucose Meter With Dario™ Control solutions
CheCkinG Your GluCose MeTer WiTh Dario™ ConTrol
The following steps are required to perform a control solution test.
removing the Glucose Meter From the housing
Before performing a control solution test, it is necessary to remove the glucose
meter from the housing.
The glucose meter is stored in the housing when not in use.
When not in use, store the meter in the Dario™ housing. Do not leave
your meter connected to your smart mobile device with the screen in
ON mode for more than two (2) minutes, as it can get warm and can
affect accuracy.
To remove the meter from the housing:
Hold the housing so that the ridged orange panel is close to you and the end
with the lancing device is facing away from you.
Slide your thumb back on the ridged orange panel.
The meter will pop up.
Grasp the meter with two fingers and remove from the housing.