The parameters that you can measure are
Total Hardness, Total Iron, Free Chlorine,
Total Chlorine, pH & Total Alkalinity,
Ideally, you should perform a test on the
water BEFORE the water treatment system
and again AFTER the water system in
order to verify if this is actually matching
our suggested ranges.
Once the test has been performed,
learn which treatment system is the
most appropriate for your particular
water supply by filling out the online
water calculator on our website:
5) Water supply connection
In order to connect the appliance up to water
mains proceed according to the indications
given in the chapter about Installation and
in compliance with any local/national safety
standards of the location in which the
appliance is being installed. Equipment is
to be installed with an adequate backflow
protection to comply with applicable federal,
state, and local codes.
In order to guarantee appliance correct
and safe operation and to maintain an
adequate performance level and a high
quality of the beverages being brewed, it
is important that the incoming water be
of a hardness greater than 7°f (70ppm,
4°d) and less than 10°f (100ppm, 6°d),
whereas pH should be between 6.5 and
8.5 and the quantity of chlorides be
less than 30mg/l . Respecting these
values allows the appliance to operate at
maximum efficiency. If these parameters
are not kept, a specific filtration device
should be installed, while always adhering
to the local national standards in place
regarding potable water.
Then connect the inlet of the water filter/
softener (if present) to drinking water
supply using one of the supplied stainless
steel braided hoses. Before connecting
the filter to water pump, flush water
supply line and the filtration system in
order to eliminate any residual particles
which could otherwise get stuck in taps or
valves, thus preventing them from working
properly. Connect appliance water supply
connection to water pump outlet using one
of supplied stainless steel braided hoses.
Then connect water pump inlet to water
filter/softener outlet (if present).
The water pump is a differential
pressure volumetric pump and has been
designed to be used exclusively with cold
water. Make sure that water is always
present while the pump is operating,
otherwise air can be brought into brew
boiler causing an undesireable condition
and the pump can be damaged.
6) Electrical connections
a) Power supply cord
• This is the main power supply cable
providing power to the whole appliance.
There are different types of cables based
upon the electrical requirements of the
espresso machine purchased:
• 200/220VAC 1-Phase, 3-core cable
with 4/6/10mm
cross section or AWG
12/10/8 for 2,3 4 group versions, secured
to espresso machine via a strain relief
• 220VAC 3-Phase, 4-core cable with 4
cross section for 2 , 3 and 4 group
versions, secured to espresso machine via
a strain relief connector
• 380 VAC 3-Phase, 5-core cable with
cross section for 2, 3 and 4 group
versions, secured to espresso machine via
a strain relief connector.