GB/5 - FB/80
4. Operating the Espresso Machine and Preparing Coffee
1) Starting the Espresso Machine
Filling the Boilers with Water
Once the installation procedures have been completed, it is
necessary to fill the boiler tanks with water. Complete the
following procedure to properly fill the boiler tanks:
Coffee Boiler
The water flows inside the coffee boiler directly, as soon as
the water system and water filter/softener taps are opened.
Since the inflow of water will compress the air in the boiler it
will be necessary to remove or “bleed” the air from the coffee
boiler. All air must be removed in order to completely “saturate”
the coffee boiler/group assemblies. To remove the air from
the boiler, “bleed the groups”, it will be necessary to remove
the cup tray from the top of the machine. First remove the cup
tray grates from the top of the machine exposing the cup tray.
Remove the screws securing the cup tray and then remove.
Once removed the top of the groups will be exposed.
Loosen the bleed screws one at a time (see picture above)
to allow air to escape until water flows from below the screw
head. Tighten the screw to stop the water from flowing. Over
tightening can cause damage to the sealing washer and the
group cover. Repeat this procedure for all groups. Once all
air is removed from the coffee boiler, reinstall the cup tray by
following the removal instructions in reverse.
Steam Boiler
Turn the main switch (item 1 in Fig. 1) to position “1” or ON,
the automatic steam boiler level gauge will be switched on,
activating the auto-fill solenoid valve and the motor pump.
This will fill the steam boiler to a predetermined level and will
shut off when full.
It may happen that the air inside the steam boiler builds up
pressure (which may be detected through the pressure gauge
- item 2, fig. 1) when the water is allowed to flow in; this “false”
pressure must be eliminated by opening the steam valves (item
9, Fig. 1).
b)Turning the Espresso Machine On
Once you have completed these procedures, check the display.
The message “Coffee Boiler Filled?” should be displayed.
Press enter to confirm that the preceding procedures are
The installation is now complete and the espresso machine
should be heating to the operating temperatures.
2)Waiting for the Espresso Machine to Heat to Operating
During this time, it may happen that the pointer of the coffee
boiler pressure gauge reaches as high as 14-15 bar. This may
happen anytime that the heating element is in the on condition.
In this case it is necessary to adjust the expansion valve (Fig. 3)
in such a way that the pressure may never exceed 11-12 bar. In
normal operating conditions, the coffee boiler pressure gauge
can read anywhere from 0-12 bar. When brewing, the pressure
should be set to 9 bar.
When the steam boiler reaches operating temperature, the light
on the Tea dispense button will light.
When the espresso machine is ready to operate all lights on
the keypads will light.
3)Installing the Portafilters
Install the portafilter(s) by inserting them into the group and
rotate the handle from left to right. When the portafilters are
inserted properly, you can press any of brew buttons to start the
flow of water through the portafilter. You should allow hot water
to pass through the portafilter(s) for a few seconds each time,
in order to pre-heat the portafilter.
It is important to leave the portafilters installed in the espresso
machine when not in use. The portafilter must remain heated
for the brew process to function correctly.
4)Brewing Coffee
It is now possible to remove one of the portafilters to make an
espresso beverage. Place some ground coffee in the filter
itself: 1 dose (approximately 6 g) for the small filter, 2 doses (2
approximately 10-14 g) for the larger filter. Press down on the
ground coffee with the supplied tamper and install the filter
holder up again to the bottom of the group and then press a
button to begin the brewing process.
Some barista believe it is important to press the brewing button
prior to installing the portafilter to flush any remaining coffee
oils and particles from the group. Some also flush just after
brewing to do the same. Please experiment to make the best
possible procedure for your coffee.
Operators Manual - ENG - V 1.3.pmd
30/10/2006, 14.34