Installation Manual
Page F-10 - Appendix F
July 18, 2013
Revision F
F.3.5 Ground Test
At the terminal device, enter the service menu by typing Menu <Enter>.
From the service menu, select Ground Test (4 <Enter>).
Ground Test
1 Perform Ground Test
x Back
From the Ground Test menu, select Perform Ground Test (1 <Enter>).
At the alternate display, verify ground test screen is being displayed (shown below). Change the
display ranges and verify display range patterns are correct.
Select the 6 nautical mile range.
Change the altitude display modes from normal (nrm), below (blw), above (abv), and unrestricted
(UNR). Verify that the system toggles through the altitude display modes correctly (some
alternate displays do not support unrestricted display mode). If external annunciators are
connected verify correct operation (see Figure F-3).
Figure F-3: External Annunciator Operation.
If OPR annunciator (optional) is connected, verify annunciator works when system is turned ON.
(OPR lamp will not light when in standby or failed mode.)
Select normal (NRM) mode.
Position the aircraft with the nose aligned on any 90 degree heading. Avoid areas within 250 ft of
obstructions (e.g., hangers, large aircraft, control towers, etc.) where there is a potential for multipath
problems. Locate and mark test points at 30 degree intervals (i.e., 000, 030, 060, 090, 120, 150, 180,
210, 240, 270, 300, and 330 degrees) with respect to the directional antenna. Mark these points at the
same distance, approximately 100 ft. (or less), from the aircraft.
Position the TT391 Flightline Tester on one of the test points identified above.
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