2. Open the terminal emulation software and
establish the following settings:
• 9600 baud
• no parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 start bit
• 1 stop bit
• no flow control
3. Apply power to the TracVision S3 system and
allow the system to complete full initialization.
Data should be scrolling on the PC display to
identify any system problems detected. If no data
is seen, recheck your connections and the terminal
software setup.
4. After completing the review of the startup and
operational routines, turn on the IRD and
television and check the channels on the selected
satellites. For European systems, view both
horizontally and vertically polarized channels, if
5. When all checks are completed, shut down the
system and replace the radome.
54-0182 Rev. A1
If a need does arise to paint the
radome, ONLY use non-metallic
automotive paint to avoid
degrading the RF signal strength
and the reception quality.