DVB Monitor M1 User Manual 2.21
PROGRAMS.REMOVE COMMAND Command to delete all programs
from the list
PROGRAMS.DELETE COMMAND Command to delete all programs
from the list
PROGRAMS.SAVE COMMAND Command to save programs to
programs.txt file
PROGRAMS.LOAD COMMAND Command to load programs from
programs.txt file
PROGRAMS.NEW COMMAND Command to create new program
-- The 'P' table;
P(???).INDEX read-write Program index in the list
P(???).SID read-write Program SID number
P(???).FREQ read-write Program frequency
P(???).NAME read-write Program service name
P(???).DVB_MODE read-write Program DVB mode DVB-C/DVB-T
P(???).ALARM read-write Program alarm type
P(???).REMOVE COMMAND Command to remove the program
from the list
P(???).DELETE COMMAND Command to remove the program
-- The 'S' table;
S(???).RESET COMMAND Reset remuxer settings
S(???).ADDRESS read-write Stream destination IP address
and port
S(???).SID read-write Streaming sid number
S(???).VLAN read-write Streaming VLAN
S(???).REMUX read-write Streaming remuxer On/Off
S(???).SDT_EN read-write Stream SDT table On/Off
S(???).EIT_EN read-write Stream EIT table On/Off
S(???).TDT_EN read-write Stream TDT table On/Off
S(???).OUT_SID read-write Stream REMUX ouput SID
S(???).OUT_TS read-write Stream REMUX ouput TS
S(???).OUT_PMT_PID read-write Stream REMUX ouput PMT PID
S(???).OUT_NET_ID read-write Stream REMUX ouput NET ID
S(???).OUT_PCR_PID read-write Stream REMUX ouput PCR PID
S(???).OUT_SNAME read-write Stream REMUX ouput service
S(???).OUT_PNAME read-write Stream REMUX ouput provider
S(???).ES_COUNT read-write Stream REMUX elementary
streams count
S(???).IN_PID(???) read-write Stream REMUX input elementary
stream PID
S(???).OUT_PID(???) read-write Stream REMUX output elementary
stream PID
S(???).DELETE COMMAND Command to delete the SPTS
S(???).ADD COMMAND Command to add new SPTS stream
-- The 'COMMANDS' group;
RESET COMMAND Software reboot of the device