Descriptions of Parameters
Setup Editor Parameters
Auxiliary Bend 2 Range (AuxBend2 Rng)
Sets the number of semitones of pitch bend applied by any physical controller that sends
AuxBnd2 (MIDI 15), when that controller is at its maximum. In the default setup, there aren’t any
controllers set to send AuxBnd2.
Auxiliary Bend Transmit (AuxBend Xmit)
Determines whether the Auxiliary Bend messages are transmitted or not. By default, the value is
The Program Menu
When you select this parameter, the top line of the display shows the current zone of the setup
you’re editing, as well as the bank ID and program ID of the program assigned to the zone. The
bottom line shows the ID and name of the bank that the current zone uses.
This parameter selects the bank for the current zone. It also determines which bank-select value
the zone sends via MIDI when you select the setup (the zone won’t send a bank-select message to
the MIDI Out port if it has a value of
for the Dest parameter in the MIDI Xmit menu).
Program ID and Name (No parameter name shown)
When you select this parameter, the top line of the display shows the current zone of the setup
you’re editing, as well as the bank ID and program ID of the program assigned to the zone. The
bottom line shows the ID and name of the program assigned to the current zone.
This parameter selects the program for the current zone. It also determines which program-
change value the zone sends via MIDI when you select the setup (the zone won’t send a
program-change message to the MIDI Out port if it has a value of
for the Dest parameter in
the MIDI Xmit menu).
: When you press the
button, the first parameter you see is the Program ID and Name
parameter. To get to the Bank parameter, press
Entry Transmit
Determines whether the current zone sends a program-change command when you select the
setup. If its value is
, the zone transmits the program ID of the program assigned to the zone
(as shown in the top line of the display when you’re viewing this parameter). This is the setting
for each zone in the default setup. The program-change message may include a bank-select
message, depending on the value of the Bank Mode parameter.
If the value of Entry Transmit is
, the zone doesn’t send a program change when you select
the setup.
The function of this parameter depends on the setting of the Dest parameter. If the current zone’s
setting for Dest is
, the zone doesn’t send a program-change command to the MIDI Out port
when you select the setup, even if Entry Transmit is set to