Kurzweil PC1 Musician’s Guide
MIDI Master, 2-3
MIDI Out/Thru, 2-4
MIDI Slave, 2-3
MIDI Channel, 5-3
MIDI Controller Number (Ctrl Num), 5-12
MIDI Remap Chan, 5-27
MIDIScope, 5-32
Minimum Velocity (Min) and Maximum Velocity (Max), 5-11
Mode Region, 3-8
Modes, 3-1
momentary, 3-3
Music Rack, 1-2, 2-1
Muting, 3-19
Naming and Storing, 4-2
Note Map
AutoSplit, 5-7
AutoSplit Key, 5-7
Note Map
Low and Hi, 5-7
Objects, 3-2
Options, 1-2
Output Mode, 5-31
overlays, 1-2
Panic, 3-8
Parameter Reference, 3
Parameters for Current Effects - Variable, 5-22
Pedals, 1-2, 2-4
Performance Modes, 3-1
Performance Region, 3-4
Physical Controllers, 3-3
Plus/Minus buttons, 3-10, 3-11
Power, 2-2
Preventing Program Changes on Slaves, 4-27
Program and Setup Organization, 3-11
Program ID and Name, 5-4
Program ID Display Format (PNumDisp), 5-5
Program Mode, 3-1
Program Name Display Format (PNameDisp), 5-6
Program Select Buttons, 3-9
Quick Layers and Splits, 3-16
Recording to a Sequencer While in Setup Mode, 4-29
Replacing the Battery, 1
Reset PC1, 5-32
Resetting the PC1, 5
Restoring Factory Effects, 4-4
Ribbon, 2-4
Ribbon Controller, 1-2
Ribbon Mode, 5-14
Ribbon Section Configuration (Ribbon Sect), 5-13
rubber feet, 2-1
Running the Diagnostics, 5
Select Program, 3-10
Select Setup, 3-10
Selecting Effects, 3-14
Sending Program Changes Only, 4-26
Setup Mode, 3-1
Setup Structure, 4-10
Short Cuts, 4-6
Software Upgrades, 3
Solo, 3-6
Soloing, 3-19
Sound ROM Cards, 1-2
Special Setups, 4-10
Specifications, 1
Split, 3-7
Split Layer, 3-7
Spring Position (Spring Pos), 5-14
Spring Switch, 5-14
SW1, 3-5
SW2, 3-5
SW3, 3-5
SW4, 3-5
Switch Type (SwType), 5-15
Switch-Button Priority, 5-16
Switching Setups with a Pedal, 4-16
SysEx Dumps, 4-7
SysEx IDs, 4-7
the Arpeggiator, 4-22
The Arpeggiator Menu, 5-16
The Controllers Menu, 5-12
The Controllers Menu: Continuous Controller Parameters, 5-
the Cursor buttons, 3-9
the Enter/Cancel button, 3-10
The FX Routing Parameter, 5-22
The FXA Select Parameter, 5-22
The FXB Select Parameter, 5-22
the Global button, 3-9
The Global Menu, 5-25
The Internal Setup, 3-2
the MIDI Recv button, 3-8
The MIDI Recv Menu, 5-24
the Program button, 3-8
the Setup button, 3-8