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The stainless steel tank constitutes a major component of your cool
zone fryer. The very special shape has been specifically devised
and computer designed, to maximise use of the characteristics of
the cool zone and to offer a maximum of safety, by avoiding any
overflow during use of the fryer. This exclusive model has been
All the aesthetic characteristics which give the tank its unique
appearance (curves, slopes, and differences of level) in fact
correspond to technical requirements: the principal objective was
to overcome bubbles of emulsion which occur on the sudden
introduction of particles of ice or water into the oil bath. This
sometimes occurs when cooking products which are frozen or which
contain too much water.
There are 5 zones in this tank:
The bottom of the tank
All around the perimeter of the bottom of the tank, an 11 mm
channel has been inset, in order to gather and store debris. This
particular shape permits a reduction of 0.4 litre in the volume of oil
in the cool zone. Furthermore, the channel gives the tank excellent
stability when taken out.
The cool zone
The layer of oil located below the element is not affected by any
movement. Using all the heating power, the temperature reaches
70ºC in the debris-collection channel.
The hot zone
The hot volume of approximately 3 litres of oil, permanently stirred
by convection movement, enables 750 grams of pommes frites to
be held at a single time without any major cooling.