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8) Fitting control cords (photo 9)
Cut one of the cords (D 1) to 1,7 m (5' 7"). Thread it through plate (P) as shown in drawing below.
Thread each end of the cord through lock arm (V) and tie a knot at each end. Insert the other cord (D 2) through
the upper hole of support plate (C) then through plate (P) and tie a knot.
Thread the other end of cord through handle (A) and tie a knot at desired length so that locks can easily be
maneuvered from the tractor seat. Cut off surplus cord at the knot and fit plug into handle (A).
To avoid that cords are too lax above the machine, tie a knot (N) in the cord just before support plate (C).
Then install the hydraulic coupler holder (H) on cover (S) (photo 9).