KRINNER 94135 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4


1.  Do not use the tree stand for any other purpose but to hold a naturally 

grown Christmas tree. KRINNER will not cover any damage done by 

misuse of this Christmas tree stand. 

2.  This Christmas tree stand is for indoor use only.
3.  Before putting up your Christmas tree, ensure that your tree stand has a 

secure base. A thick carpet is not a secure base! Only use the tree stand 

on a solid, level and even surface. Uneven or inclined surfaces cause 

reduced stability and enhance the risk of the tree to fall.

4.  The Christmas tree stand is not a toy! Do not allow children to operate 

or use it.

5.  A fresh and green Christmas tree not only looks better but also reduces 

the fire hazard. The trunk must have a fresh, clean, straight and even 

cut to absorb water (there is a danger of tilting otherwise!). The trunk 

may not be drilled in the middle, the bark must be intact as the tree 

absorbs the water in between the stem and the bark. Therefore always 

keep sufficient water in the tree stand. Only fill in tab water.

6.  Overfilling will result in water emerging under the base plate, which 

may result in damage, especially underneath the Christmas tree stand. 

To prevent floor damage due to possible leakage, please check the water 

tank for cracks and holes yearly before tree setup.

7.  While pushing down the foot lever with your foot, ensure that there are 

no hands or other body parts in between the clamps and the trunk as it 

can cause serious injuries by squeezing. Watch your children!

8.  Ensure that the tree is securely fastened, well balanced and positioned 

in the middle of the tree stand before applying decorations and lighting.

9.  This KRINNER Christmas tree stand is a safety product. Do not alter the 

construction of the KRINNER Christmas tree stand. Also do not use the 

KRINNER Christmas tree stand if it shows any damage.

10. Repair may strictly only be carried out by authorized personal.
11. If electric lighting is used, do not allow this electric lighting to burn 

unattended. Caution! Water is a conductor. Ensure that electric wires are 

in a safe distance to the water tank of the Christmas tree stand.

12. Never allow real candles to burn unattended. We recommend not using 

real candles once the tree has dried out.

13. Keep your tree away from fireplaces, heater vents and any open flame. 


1.  The manufacturer, the company KRINNER GmbH, Passauer Straße 55, 

94342 Straßkirchen, guarantees this Product to be free from defects 

in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase by a 

consumer, and for a subsequent period 10 years, the guarantee period 

shall commence from the date of the purchase.

2.  The guarantee is valid only if the original receipt by the dealer, specify-

ing the date of purchase is presented with the product to be repaired or 

replaced. KRINNER reserves the right to refuse guarantee services if this 

information has been removed or changed after the original purchase of 

the product from the dealer.

3.  This guarantee does not cover any failure of the product due to misuse, 

including but not limited to use in other than the normal and customary 

manner, in accordance with KRINNER`s SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS, accident, 

acts of God and use of unauthorized parts or attachments.

4.  A warranty claim of the purchaser exists only when properly used in-

doors exclusively for the setting up of natural Christmas trees. This 

guarantee does not cover product failures due to repair installations, 

modifications or improper service performed by a non KRINNER au-

thorized service workshop or opening of the product by non KRINNER 

authorized persons.

5.  This guarantee is void if this Christmas tree stand is structurally altered.
6.  The Manufacturer‘s guarantee given by KRINNER GmbH shall apply 

concomitantly with the legal warranty rights of the purchaser vis-à-vis 

the seller provided under the law on the basis of the purchase contract 

entered into by the purchaser with the seller. Legal warranty rights can 

however only be exercised against the seller himself or the company 

that has sold the Christmas tree stand. In particular, it shall only be 

possible for the purchaser to enforce a cancellation of a sale (dissolution 

of contract) or a reduction in the selling price against the seller within 

the framework of the legal warranty rights.

7.  The Guarantee claims cannot be passed to third parties. The rectification 

or repair or delivery of a substitute product shall not restart the guar-

antee period. If KRINNER repairs or replaces the product, the repaired 

or replaced product shall be guaranteed for the remaining time of the 

original guarantee period or for ninety (90) days from the date of 

repair, whichever is longer.

8.  Non-prepaid packages sent to us will not be accepted and will be re-

turned to you, unopened, at your expense.




Dear customers,

thank you for choosing a high-quality KRINNER Christ-

mas Tree Stand. With the purchase of this quality prod-

uct you can be sure you have made a good choice. Be-

fore using this tree stand, please read the Instructions for 

Use thoroughly and strictly follow the Safety Instructions 

at all times! Please store the unit carefully.


Содержание 94135


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Страница 4: ...orkmanship at the time of its original purchase by a consumer and for a subsequent period 10 years the guarantee period shall commence from the date of the purchase 2 The guarantee is valid only if the original receipt by the dealer specify ing the date of purchase is presented with the product to be repaired or replaced KRINNER reserves the right to refuse guarantee services if this information h...

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Страница 14: ...NER GmbH Passauer Straße 55 94342 Straßkirchen garantuje že tento výrobok v čase zakúpenia neobsahuje žiadne chyby materiálov a spracovania Platnosť záruky je 10 rokov a začína plynúť od dátumu zakúpenia 2 Nárok na záruku je možné uplatniť len v prípade že originálny doklad predajcu obsahujúci dátum zakúpenia je priložený k opravovanému alebo vymieňanému výrobku KRINNER si vyhradzuje právo odmietn...

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Страница 16: ...KRINNER GmbH Passauer Straße 55 94342 Straß kirchen garantează că acest produs nu prezintă defecte de material și de manoperă la momentul achiziționării inițiale de către consumator precum și pentru o perioadă ulterioară de 10 ani perioada de garanție va începe de la data achiziționării 2 Garanția este valabilă numai în cazul în care este prezentată chitanța originală de către distribuitor specifi...

Страница 17: ...R GmbH Passauer Straße 55 94342 Straßkirchen jamči da je ta izdelek ob prvem nakupu brez napak v materialu in pri izdelavi in za naslednjih 10 let velja da prične garan cijski rok teči od dneva nakupa 2 Garancija za popravilo ali zamenjavo izdelka je veljavna le s predloži tvijo originalnega računa prodajalca na katerem je naveden datum na kupa KRINNER si pridržuje pravico do preklica garancije če...

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