Kramer Electronics Ltd.
– Operating and Controlling KDS-SW2-EN7
Using KDS-SW2-EN7 Navigation Buttons
Defining Encoder Device Channel Number
Defining Device Status
View the device parameters.
To view device parameters:
1. Press the left or right arrows to access the device status (DEV STATUS) menu.
2. Press the up or down arrows to view the following information:
LAN1 STATUS, including IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway address
LAN2 STATUS, including IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway address.
HDMI STATUS, including video input resolution and HDCP settings status.
View Device channel ID (CH DEFINE).
Device internal TEMPERATURE (°C).
Device status is viewed.
Viewing Device Information
To view device parameters:
1. Press the left or right arrows to access the device status menu.
2. Press the up or down arrows to view the device firmware and hardware information:
Firmware version (FW).
Bootloader information (BL).
Hardware version (HW).
Device information is viewed.
Selecting the Video Input
1. Press the left or right arrows to access the device status menu.
2. Press the up or down arrows to select the input:
Input signal is selected.