Test all gas piping
and connections for leaks after in-
stalling or servicing. Correct all leaks
at once.
Never use an open
flame to check for a leak. Apply a
mixture of liquid soap and water to
all joints. Bubbles forming show a
leak. Correct all leaks immediately.
Make sure external
regulator has been installed be-
tween natural gas supply and heater.
See guidelines under Connecting
to Gas Supply, page 8.
Figure 8 -Equipment Shutoff Valve
Pressure Testing Gas Supply
Piping System
Test Pressures In Excess Of 1/2
PSIG (3.5kPa)
1. Disconnect heater with its appli-
ance main gas valve (control valve)
and equipment shutoff valve from
gas supply piping system. Pres-
sures in excess of 1/2 psig will
damage heater regulator.
2. Cap off open end of gas pipe where
eq u ip m e n t sh u to ff va lve w as
3. Pressurize supply piping system
by either using compressed air or
opening propane/LP supply valve.
4. Check all joints of gas supply pip-
ing system. Apply mixture of liquid
soap an d water to gas jo in ts.
Bubbles forming show a leak.
5. Correct all leaks immediately.
6. Reconnect heater and equipment
shutoff valve to gas supply. Check
reconnected fittings for leaks.
Pressure Testing Heater Gas
1. Open equipment shutoff valve
(see Figure 8).
2. Open gas supply valve.
3. Make sure heater is in the OFF
4. Check all joints from equipment
shutoff valve to control valve (see Fig-
ure 9). Apply mixture of liquid soap
and water to gas joints. Bubbles
forming show a leak.
5. Correct all leaks immediately.
6. Light heater (see Operating Heater,
page 10 ). Check all other internal
joints for leaks.
7. Turn off heater (see To Turn Off Gas
to Appliance, page 10 ).
Figure 9 -Checking Gas Joints
Test Pressures Equal To or Less
Than 1/2 PSIG ( 3.5 kPa )
1. Close equipment shutoff valve
(see Figure 8).
2. Pressurize supply piping system
by either using compressed air or
opening gas supply tank valve.
3. Check all joints from gas meter to
equipment shutoff valve (see Fig-
ure 9). Apply mixture of liquid soap
and water to gas joints. Bubbles
forming show a leak.
4. Correct all leaks immediately.