3. If you smell gas
Shut off gas supply.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical swit ch;
d o n o t u s e a n y p h o n e i n y o u r
I m m e d i a t e l y c al l y o u r g a s s u p p l i e r
f r om a n e i g h b o r
s p h o n e. F o l l o w
t h e g a s s u p p l i e r
s i n s t r u c t i o n s .
If you cannot reach your gas
supplier, call the fire department.
4. This heater shall not be installed in a bed-
room or bathroom.
5. Do not use this heater as a wood burning
heater. Use only the logs provided with the
6. Do not add extra logs or ornaments such as
pine cones, vermiculite, or rock wool. Us-
ing these added items can cause sooting.
Do not add lava rock around base. Rock
and debris could fall into the control area of
heater. After servicing, always replace screen
before operating heater.
7. You must operate this heater with the heater
screen in place. Make sure heater screen is
in place before running heater.
8. This heater is designed to be smokeless. If
logs ever appear to smoke, turn off heater
and call a qualified service person.
Note: During initial operation, slight smok-
ing could occur due to log curing and heater
burning manufacturing residues.
9. To prevent the creation of soot, follow the
instructions in the
Cleaning and Mainte-
Section, page 13.
10.Before using furniture polish, wax, carpet
cleaner, or similar products, turn heater off.
If heated, the vapors from these products
may create a white powder residue within
burner box or on adjacent walls or furniture.
11.This heater needs fresh air ventilation to run
properly. This heater has an Oxygen Deple-
tion Sensing (ODS) safety shutoff system.
The ODS shuts down the heater if not
enough fresh air is available. See the
Air for
Combustion and Ventilation
Section, pages
5 through 6. If heater keeps shutting off, see
, pages 15 through 16.
12.Do not run heater
Where flammable liquids or vapors are used
or stored.
Under dusty conditions.
13.Do not use this heater to cook food or burn
paper or other objects.
Do not place clothing or other
flammable material on or near the
appliance. Never place any objects
in the fireplace.
Carefully supervise young children
when they are in the room with
You must operate this heater with
the heater screen in place. Make
sure heater screen is in place be-
fore running heater.
Keep the appliance area clear and
free from combustible materials,
gasoline, and other flammable
vapors and liquids.
1. This appliance is only for use with the
type of gas indicated on the rating
plate. This appliance is not convert-
ible for use with other gases.
2. Do not place Propane/LP
supply tank(s) indoors.
Heater becomes very hot when
running fireplace. Keep children and
adults away from hot surfaces to
avoid burns or clothing ignition.
Fireplace will remain hot for a time
after shutdown. Allow surfaces to
cool before touching.
State of Massachusetts:
installation must be made by a li-
censed plumber or gas fitter in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Sellers of unvented propane or natu-
ral gas-fired supplemental room heat-
ers shall provide to each purchaser a
copy of 527 CMR 30 upon sale of the
In th e state o f M assac hu setts,
unvented propane or nature gas-fired
space heaters shall be prohibited in
bedrooms and bathrooms.
Model GFN2515R is equipped for
Natural gas. Field conversion is not
Model GFP2516R is equipped for
propane gas. Field conversion is not
IM P O R TA N T: R e a d th i s owner
manual carefully and completely be-
fore trying to assemble, operate, or
service this heater. Improper use of
this heater can cause serious injury
or death from burns, fire, explosion,
electrical shock, and carbon monox-
ide poisoning.
Carbon monoxide
poisoning may lead to death!
C a rb o n M o n o x i d e P o is o n in g :
Early signs of carbon monoxide poi-
s o n i n g r e s e m b le t h e f lu w i t h
headaches, dizziness, or nausea. If you
have these signs, the heater may not
be working pro perly. Get fresh air
imm ed iately! H ave heater servic ed .
Some people are more affected by
carbon monoxide than others. These
include pregnant women, people with
heart or lung disease or anemia, those
under the influence of alcohol, and
those at high altitudes.
Any change to
this fireplace or its controls can
be dangerous.
Do not allow fans
to blow directly into the heater. Avoid
any drafts that alter burner flame
patterns. Ceiling fans can create
d ra fts tha t a lter bu rn er flame
patterns. Altered burner patterns can
cause sooting.
Due to high temperatures, the
appliance should be located out of
traffic and away from furniture
and draperies.
Do not use acces-
sories not approved for use with
this heater.
Make certain you read and understand
all warnings. Keep this manual for
reference. It is your guide to safe and
proper operation of this heater.
Propane/LP Gas:
Propane/LP gas is
odorless. An odor-making agent is added
to Propane/LP gas. The odor helps you
detect a Propane/LP gas leak. However,
the odor added to Propane/LP gas can
fade. Propane/LP gas may be present
even though no odor exists.