ID 27942, Rev. 05
© 2005 Kontron Modular Computers GmbH
Page 3 - 9
2. Initialize the software necessary to run the chosen operating system.
Software Installation
The installation of the Ethernet and all other onboard peripheral drivers is described in detail in
the relevant Driver Kit files.
Installation of an operating system is a function of the OS software and is not addressed in this
manual. Refer to appropriate OS software documentation for installation.
Note ...
ATA-66 and ATA-100 are faster timings and require a specialized cable which
has additional grounding wires to reduce reflections, noise, and inductive
coupling. This cable will also support all legacy IDE drives.
The blue end of the ATA-100 cable must connect to the motherboard, the gray
connector to the UltraDMA/100 slave device, and the black connector to the
UltraDMA/100 master device.
Some symptoms of incorrectly installed HDDs are:
• Hard disk drives are not auto-detected: may be a Master / Slave problem or a
bad IDE cable. Contact your vendor.
• Hard Disk Drive Fail message at bootup: may be a bad cable or lack of power
going to the drive.
• No video on bootup: usually means the cable is installed backwards.
• Hard drive lights are constantly on: usually means bad IDE cable or defective
drives / motherboard. Try another HDD.
• Hard drives do not power up: check power cables and cabling. May also
result from a bad power supply or IDE drive.
Note ...
A 2.5" HDD can be directly installed only on the standard CP6000. It is not
possible to directly install a 2.5" HDD on the CP6000 for extended temperature
range (-40°C to +85°C).
Note ...
Users working with pre-configured operating system installation images for
Plug and Play compliant operating systems, for example Windows® 95/98/ME,
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® XP Embedded, must take into con-
sideration that the stepping and revision ID of the chipset and/or other onboard
PCI devices may change. Thus, a re-configuration of the operating system in-
stallation image deployed for a previous chipset stepping or revision ID is in
most cases required. The corresponding operating system will detect new de-
vices according to the Plug and Play configuration rules.
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