TF.16 IFU StarDevice.003.10-EN 2021-01-12
prepared by Pulavskyi A., Kolyesnik O.
Repeat the procedure twice. Follow the protocol three times a week for 1-4 weeks. Instruct the patient at home
to apply ice for 20 minutes, then to remove the ice for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day on the
day of treatment.
Chronic Low Back
Load line
The number of shocks
per point:
90° to the surface
(Tip No.6,2) a small rubber protocol tip and a small standard tip
Follow the standard protocol for the lower back. Points 1 and 2 are 13 mm from the corners of the sacrum on
both sides. Points 3 and 4 are 26 mm lateral to S2 on both sides. Points 5, 6 and 7 are diagonally oriented, starting
from a point 52 mm lateral to S3, every 52 mm, following the gluteus majorus, above the sciatic notch, towards
the left thigh. Points 8, 9 and 10 are the mirror image to the right. Chronic low back pain usually (85%) includes
the head of the left fibula and the Achilles tendon area. Percuss the head of the fibula with a small rubber protocol
tip. Next, percuss the distal end of the Achilles tendon using a small standard tip. Follow the protocol three times
a week for 1-4 weeks. Instruct the patient at home to apply ice for 20 minutes, then to remove the ice for 40
minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day on a day of treatment.
Inferior Rib
Load line
The number of shocks
per point:
Bottom-up, from the
medial to the lateral at the
junction of the sternum
15-20 or up to an
automatic stop