qb701 User
stationary machine
moveable machine
Shaft Angular (Gap)
Shaft Parallel (Offset)
Vertical adjustment values
Misalignment of any rotating machine is expressed in parallel (Offset) and angular (Gap) of
the shafts. Most frequently in practice, both of them are present simultaneously. Different
kinds of misalignment of axes are shown in Fig. 2.
The parallel (Offset) and angular (Gap) misalignment of axes is determined in two
mutually perpendicular planes. For the purpose of elimination of the parallel and angular
misalignment of axes, in each of the planes a correction of position of the movable
machine (M) will be done.
For the horizontal mounted machine
the movable machine (M) position is adjusted in the
horizontal and vertical planes.
For the vertical mounted machine, operator determines arrangement of the correction
planes, basing on considerations of the convenience and technological effectiveness of
moving of the movable (M) machine.
Stationary machine (S) - in the process of eliminating of the axes misalignment the
position of this machine stay static, i.e. it does not move.
Movable machine (M)
the machine, which position is adjusted for eliminating of the
parallel and angular misalignment of axes.
The measurement system calculates the values of the angular and parallel misalignment of
axes in the plane of the coupling (in two mutually perpendicular planes), and the
adjustment values for the machine feet on the movable (M) machine, that is necessary for
elimination of this misalignment of axes. Fig. 3 shows misalignment of axes and the values
for its correction just for vertical plane.
Parallel misalignment of axes
Offset (displacement)
Angular misalignment of axes
Parallel and angular misalignment of axes
( Gap)
Fig 2