AVV-711 Quick Book
Graph view
(note overlapped points not included in graph, so header shows only 4 points calculated,
not 6)
to exit to main screen.
Before start measurement for the object length of which exceeds laser beam range slice (“on paper” of
course) this object to intersected pieces(fig.14.4.1), so each piece does not exceed laser beam range.
Determine the measurement positions on each piece. Note that minimum number of positions should not
be less than 3 and for the second and further pieces the minimum number of positions should be one
more than overlapped points(minimum overlapped points allowed is 2). For the first piece perform laser
beam coarse adjustment procedure(and when current piece measurement completed for the further
pieces as well). After current piece measurement complete move transmitter to the closest point to the
first overlapped point. Perform coarse adjustment and start measurement. Place receiver at position of
the overlapped point exactly. Always verify that point no. and splice no. on the AVV-711 display reflects
real receiver position, See how pieces of object overlaps and point numbers related on figure 14.4.1
Consider we divide object by two intersected pieces, first piece have 5 points(positions) and the second
piece have total 6 points including overlapped. Gather receiver values of the first piece(blue) from point 1
to 5. Then move the transmitter to it next position (yellow rectangle). Perform coarse adjustment for the
second piece.
Pay attention on the following conditions:
point no.1 of the second piece have the same physical position on real object as the point no. 4 of the first
point no. 2 of the second piece have the same physical position as the point no.5 of the first piece.
the distance between points 2 and 3 of the second piece actually represents distance between point no.
of the
piece and the point no.
of the
piece, so this distance is the next value for object
position right after last point of the first piece
Red means