c/Auzolan 2, 20303 Irun (SPAIN
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3 – Movement sensor function
3.1 – Parameters
Activate object brightness depending switch
Limits the dependence of the motion detector to the light level via a switch connected externally:
Not available.
Available: can be connected an external switch that enables this
enabled, while if the switch sends '0', the detector will operate all the time, regardless of the daylight
Enabled Object:
Activate object movement
Enables or disables motion detection through a switch connected externally:
Not available.
Available: can be connected an external switch that enables this feature
enabled, while if the switch sends '0', the detector will work all the time
Enabled Object:
Enabling this option is possible to select if
Type of movement object
Defines the type of object 'Telegram switch', which will be sent at detecting motion
Switching (EIS1): it sends an object of a bit
at the end of the detection ('Telegram after lag time') is sent:
ON telegram
OFF telegram
Cyclic ON telegram: ON is
‘Time Factor for cyclic transmission’
Cyclic OFF telegram: OFF
‘Time Factor for cyclic transmission’
No telegram.
Value (EIS6): it sends a value between 0 and 255
at the end of the detection ('Telegram after lag time') is sent
telegram is sent.
Sensibility (threshold)
Allows making the sensor more or less sensitive to movements
movement, while a low sensitivity (255) prevents unwanted false det
– Web:
Limits the dependence of the motion detector to the light level via a switch connected externally:
external switch that enables this function. If the switch sends '1'
enabled, while if the switch sends '0', the detector will operate all the time, regardless of the daylight
Enables or disables motion detection through a switch connected externally:
can be connected an external switch that enables this feature. If the switch sends '1' Lux threshold is
enabled, while if the switch sends '0', the detector will work all the time.
Enabling this option is possible to select if it will be enabled at receiving a telegram of ON or OFF: 'Enabling movement with'.
Defines the type of object 'Telegram switch', which will be sent at detecting motion and when
t sends an object of a bit (0, 1). Can be selected if in case of detection ('Sending with detection') or
detection ('Telegram after lag time') is sent::
ON is sent periodically. Time between two sending: ‘Time Base for cyclic transmission’
‘Time Factor for cyclic transmission’.
is sent periodically. Time between two sending: ‘Time Base for cyclic transmission’
t sends a value between 0 and 255. Can be selected if in case of detection ('Sending with detection') or
detection ('Telegram after lag time') is sent a value between 0% and 100%, in steps of 10%,
more or less sensitive to movements. A high sensitivity (1) makes it detects the slightest
movement, while a low sensitivity (255) prevents unwanted false detections.
Limits the dependence of the motion detector to the light level via a switch connected externally:
. If the switch sends '1' Lux threshold is
enabled, while if the switch sends '0', the detector will operate all the time, regardless of the daylight level.
If the switch sends '1' Lux threshold is
enabled at receiving a telegram of ON or OFF: 'Enabling movement with'.
and when the lag time elapses:
Can be selected if in case of detection ('Sending with detection') or
‘Time Base for cyclic transmission’ x
: ‘Time Base for cyclic transmission’ x
Can be selected if in case of detection ('Sending with detection') or
100%, in steps of 10%, or none
A high sensitivity (1) makes it detects the slightest